Tech Vue.js - How to handle multiple subdomains on a single app. In this article, I’m going to show you how we can divide a Vue.js application into multiple subdomains (or multiple domains if you want) like,, etc.
Tech Next.js — Make your own Progress bar indicator component easily!!! In this article, we’ll make a Next.js component which can easily be modified for all kinds of usage using NProgress package, and use it inside our Next.js app.
Tech How to handle and serve data from AWS S3 ’s private bucket with AWS STS in Node.js? When I first started using AWS S3 with STS, it was quite confusing for me to implement these things. Although the documentation has all the things mentioned in it, as a newbie in AWS, it was still a difficult task to extract all the information out of it.
Tech How do I use JWT Authentication in production? I’ve heard people saying that JWT(JSON Web Token) is insecure, try to avoid it and many other things, and they’re not completely wrong. They have fair points against JWT. So, today in this article I’ll show some best practices which I use to make this process much secure.