Tech CRDTs: Collaborate Without the Conflict Ever tried editing a Google Doc simultaneously with ten colleagues? If so, congratulations—you're already acquainted with this technology! Before you lose faith in collaborative tech, let's introduce your soon-to-be favorite acronym: CRDTs—Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types.
Tech "It Works on My Machine" and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves A Survival Guide to Blame Your Team and the Universe
Tech Startup CEO Says ‘Trust Issues’ — Translation: We Don’t Want to Pay You A friend invited me to join his startup, having issues like no funding and leadership conflicts. I offered help with funding and management for a pay cut, but some things made the deal impossible. I walked away, understanding that if a company won’t invest in talent, they can’t expect top results.
Tech What Happened to These 'Game-Changing' JavaScript Projects in the last 10 years? And What's Next? I was going through my old bookmarks and saw some blogs about promising Node.js technologies. Some of those turned out to be industry leaders, while I barely remember others. Let's see which projects thrived, and which didn't, and, most importantly, why they became popular or lost their momentum.
Programming Versioning Strategies Explained: SemVer to CalVer and Beyond. And Which One Should You Choose? Versioning isn’t just a random string of numbers tacked onto each software release. It’s a powerful tool that shapes how users experience updates, how developers handle dependencies, and how a project grows over time.
Tech The Importance of Developer Communities and How to Get Involved Unleashing the Power of Collaboration and Growth in the Tech World
Tech Why HTTP/3 uses UDP protocol under QUIC instead of TCP? HTTP/3's use of UDP provides several advantages over TCP, including faster connections, better performance on high-latency networks, and improved security.
Tech How to set up Filebeat and Logstash with Elasticsearch and Elastic Cloud? We'll be discussing why and where do we need Filebeat and Logstash. Then We'll see how we can connect all the things in both self-hosted Elasticsearch and Elastic Cloud.
Tech How to use AWS Amplify for the frontend applications? This article covers: Why to move to Amplify? How to deploy an app and all its features.
Tech RabbitMQ — How to send delayed/scheduled messages for Webhooks with exponential backoff? I wanted to use RabbitMQ for sending the webhook notifications to the clients with exponential backoff if they fail to receive the notifications.
Tech CSS — What is currentColor keyword? Did you know in CSS you can specify the color property once and use that value without specifying it again using the currentColor keyword?
Tech WebRTC — Switch Cameras using Javascript getUserMedia To fetch or toggle between the front-facing camera and the back camera, we can simply use the "facingMode" which is widely supported in the majority of the browsers.
Tech Understanding Javascript Array's .reduce() method and its use-cases After reading various tweets and blogs, I decided to write a detailed article on what exactly reduce method is and what can be some of its use cases.
Tech React.js — How to execute useEffect hook only once? Have you ever faced this issue that your useEffect hook gets executed multiple times? Maybe sometimes it goes into the infinite loop?
Tech Javascript & CSS — Toggle dark/light theme based on your user's preferred scheme This blog focuses on how to switch between the dark and the light theme as per your user's preference.
Tech Common Javascript Promise mistakes every beginner should know and avoid I wish I knew about all these mistakes while learning javascript and promises.
Tech Does Google Maps always show us the best route while navigating? This thought randomly came to my mind when I was going to a place with my friends in a car, and 3 of us started to navigate. I noticed that all of us got slightly different routes and all of them had a little variation in time. Before that, I
Tech Node.js - How to open a password-protected .zip file? Extracting a .zip file is very easy in any language, but when it comes to open a password protected zip in node.js, there are very few libraries and tutorials.
Node.js Node.js − Scrape Client Rendered (React.js / Vue.js) Pages There are tons of scraping tools out there for Node.js like cheerio, but what if there is an empty DOM with only a bunch of JavaScripts? The bigger challenge is what if you want to scrape thousands of pages of a specific website without getting your IP blocked?
Tech Are you making your website vulnerable by adding target="_blank"? Or, are you compromising the performance of your website? Okay, first, let me show you one example!
Tech Bubble Sort Animation using CSS & JavaScript After I first saw Data Structures and Algorithms in my college's curriculum, I revise them every year, and I try to do something innovative each time. I don't like to read the algorithms and start skimming them. Instead, I like to take one problem and try to solve it using these algorithms.
Tech MongoDB: Execute Javascript Functions using Command line In this article, we'll see how we can execute JavaScript using various methods from our terminal. I'll show how we can use eval, a single javascript file, and importing a collection of javascript files to make things modular.
Tech Node.js — Serve Private Content using AWS CloudFront As I told you in one of my previous article that I ended up using CloudFront to serve my content, I thought to write a separate blog on CloudFront because I also struggled a lot to put things in right place because of very poor documentation for Node.js/JavaScript.
Tech Javascript: Constructors, Methods, Properties, and Accessors in Class and Objects As I mentioned in my last article that it is quite confusing for the beginners to understand what is the difference between properties, methods, and variables in a class. We'll also see how to implement constructors . We'll see how we can implement getters and setters using accessors.
Tech Javascript Class: Difference between ES5 and ES6 Classes It’s fun to know the real struggle we used to have in the past when there was no class keyword or at least it was not being supported widely and I remember using this keyword and prototype everywhere in my earlier Javascript days.