Vue.js - How to handle multiple subdomains on a single app.

In this article, I’m going to show you how we can divide a Vue.js application into multiple subdomains (or multiple domains if you want) like,, etc. in 3 simple steps.

  1. Setting up a Vue.js application with Vue Router.
  2. Configuring hosts on Windows and Mac/Linux for testing locally.
  3. Splitting the Routes and Layouts, and testing.

Github Repository:

Setting up a Vue.js Application

  • To set up a Vue.js application, first, we need to install the vue-cli globally.
$ npm install -g @vue/cli
  • Now we have to initialize a new Vue application using vue-cli . We’ll use PWA (Progressive Web Application) boilerplate. To initialize this, run the following command:
$ vue init pwa project-name
$ cd project-name
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
  • In this installation, it will ask you to install VueRouter .
  • If you didn’t install VueRouter from this installation or you’re using any other Vue boilerplate just run the following command to install it.
$ npm install vue-router --save

Configuring localhosts / Servers

We’re going to create 3 different domains/subdomains, myapp.localroute1.myapp.local route2.myapp.local on Windows and Mac/Linux.


  • Open CMD (command prompt) as an administrator and run the following command:
> notepad c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
  • Now add these lines at the end of the file: myapp.local route1.myapp.local route2.myapp.local
  • Save and close the file and that’s it.


  • For Mac or Linux users, open a terminal and run the following command:
$ sudo nano /etc/hosts
  • Now add these lines at the end of the file. myapp.local route1.myapp.local route2.myapp.local
  • Press Ctrl + X or Command + X to exit the nano editor and hit Y to save the changes we’ve made in that file.

Writing the Code — Setting up VueRouter

This Github repo is the working example of this blog and you can read the file to configure the project.

Setup Routes

If you see the router directory, it shows 3 different routes:

All three routes are handling different components.

Configure Routes

This file in the Github repo has three routes configured in it.

Here, the constant router first fetches the URL and extracts the domain name. It checks for the domain name and assigns a route and returns it and this router is handled by the Vueat the bottom.

Note: You can’t use vue-router to change the subdomain. It depends on the JavaScript’s History API and it doesn’t let you update the cross-domain URL.
You can use HTML’s anchor tag <a> or JavaScript’s window.location or etc to change the subdomain.