UX Laws, My first Chrome extension

Hello Friends,
Today I am going to share with you my first chrome extension, UX Laws that I have built for myself and also for all the new UX designers.
Basically, I have just converted the Laws of UX website into a chrome version.
The design of this chrome extension is inspired from the 77 things chrome extension by Uber.
My major goal behind this chrome extension was to learn and remember different UX design laws. Everytime you open a new tab, you will see a new UX design law. For now, there are limited UX design laws, but in future I will try to add more UX laws.
To install the Chrome extension, Just type the 'UX Law' in the chrome web store.

This is my experience of building a chrome extension and this is just the version 1.0. In future, I will try to add more functionality and different things in the chrome extension.
So, Please download and let me know your thoughts, so that I can improve this chrome extension.
You can share your thoughts on [email protected]
Thanks a lot.